July 28, 2010

Using LibGuides

LibGuides is promoted as Web 2.0 for the library, but many users, including PCCC, are using it in ways that go beyond the virtual or physical walls of the library.

LibGuides is a Web 2.0 content management and information sharing system. There are now over 400 institutions worldwide using LibGuides to create content, share knowledge, and connect with students and patrons.

When we first started using the service, I posted on another blog about educational technology and that post has over 20,000 hits, so there is interest in this beyond PCCC.

We purchased a license because we specifically wanted to have each of the 20 Gen Ed courses we are redesigning for the Initiative use a LibGuide.

What we like about this tool is that it a very easy web design tool that also allows for easy collaboration (through accounts). Each of our courses will have at least one faculty member who is teaching the course as a lead editor, and at least one librarian or subject matter expert as an editor.

We also have guides for the Writing Initiative, the Writing Center at PCCC, eTutoring, portfolios and other Intiative-related services and topics.

But the LibGuides have actually found huge buy-in from the PCCC community outside the Initiative.

The ESL department and just about every other department has been creating sites for courses and to supply information to full-time faculty and adjuncts. We also have college committees and student services who are using Guides.

This "ripple effect" into the larger community has been a very positive feature of the Initiative's professional development offerings.

A LibGuides Intro from Springshare on Vimeo.

July 15, 2010

Writing Intensive Courses at the Passaic Academic Center

The following courses are Writing Intensive (WI) sections for the fall 2010 semester that are available for students face-to-face at the Passaic campus and online.  Of course, students may also take courses offered at the Paterson or Wanaque campuses if that is convenient.

All WI sections are limited to 25 students, so register as early as possible.

Western Civilization

Appreciation of Music

Intro to Psychology

Intro to Psychology

Writing Intensive Courses at the Wanaque Academic Center

The following courses are Writing Intensive (WI) sections for the fall 2010 semester that are available at the Wanaque campus or online. All WI sections are limited to 25 students, so register as early as possible.

Appreciation of Art

Critical Thinking

Intro to Literature

Western Civilization I

Western Civilization II

Appreciation of Music

Intro to Psychology

Intro to Psychology

Fall 2010 Writing Intensive Courses For Registration

Students at PCCC in A.A., A.S. or A.A.S degree programs have a graduation requirement to pass with a "C" or better two writing-intensive courses prior to graduation. (Click here for specifics on requirements)

The following courses are Writing Intensive (WI) sections available for the fall 2010 semester. All WI sections are limited to 25 students, so register as early as possible.

AE-101-OL1 Appreciation of Art Thoubboron
BS-102-ME1 Biology II Greidanus
CT-101-WE1 Critical Thinking Hillringhouse
EN-205-M02 Intro to Literature Redman-Waldeyer
EN-205-OL1 Intro to Literature Klopfenstein
ENS-106-M01 Public Speaking Risher
HI-101-ME2 Western Civilization I Brozyna
HI-101-OL2 Western Civilization I Jenkins
HI-102-W02 Western Civilization II Drakulich
MU-106-OL2 Appreciation of Music Ayala
PH-101-M02 Intro to Philosophy Fruncillo
PL-101-ME1 Intro to Political Science Getso
PS-101-ME2 Intro to Psychology Termanini
PS-101-OL3 Intro to Psychology Cianci
PS-101-P02 Intro to Psychology Page
PS-101-W03 Intro to Psychology Murphy
SC 104-M01 Environmental Science Baranowski
SO-202-M01 Cultural Anthropology Burkart

July 12, 2010

Tech Tips for Teachers

The Learning Network at The New York Times published a good article on "Tech Tips For Teachers: Free, Easy and Useful Creation Tools."

These tools can help students visualize texts with tools like Wordle, Tagxedo or The New York Times Visualization Lab, create timelines using  Xtimeline, Time Glider or Timetoast and design presentations that go beyond PowerPoint using things like Glogster.edu and Museum Box.

For prewriting, mind maps on paper, and now electronically, are popular idea-processing tools. Their use was popularized by the British IQ specialist Tony Buzan starting in the 1960s.

Bubbl.us, CoSketch.com and Cacoo are good starting places that also allow collaboration by student pairs or groups.

Of course, students can also use The Times for generating ideas on many topics across disciplines from math to fine arts.


    July 8, 2010

    August Connections Seminar for High School Teachers Open for Registration

    The Writing Initiative at Passaic County Community College fosters connections with area high schools and other colleges.

    With a commitment to promoting writing across the curriculum, we offer the second of our small-group seminar sessions for high school teachers in all disciplines this summer.

    How do teachers capture the attention of a visual, online, Net Generation of students in a time of fragmented instruction, high-stakes testing and the social and economic tensions?

    We will discuss some strategies to address these concerns and share approaches and tools that you have found effective.

    The Writing Initiative at PCCC works with faculty across disciplines to create varied opportunities in writing-to-learn rather than the traditional learning-to-write approach that might apply only to the English classroom. We incorporate technology, from advanced features in Microsoft Word to online tools.

    Applications are now being accepted for the August seminar from teachers from high school in the Passaic County district that surround our Paterson, Wanaque and Passaic campuses.

    With the school year ended, take this opportunity to both renew your own approach to writing and explore ways to use these approaches in your classroom.

    DATE: August 23 and 24 (Mon/Tues) from 9am – 3pm
    LOCATION: PCCC, Paterson campus

    Attendees will receive a stipend of $500 for attendance at the two days and completion of the activities, and will also receive professional development hours for their participation.

    Deadline for receipt of application: July 30, 2010

    Application information is online at http://pccc.libguides.com/connection

    July 6, 2010

    High School Connections

    The Writing Initiative at Passaic County Community College fosters connections with area high schools and other colleges. With a commitment to promoting writing across the curriculum, we offered our first small-group seminar sessions for high school teachers in all disciplines this summer.

    How do high school teachers capture the attention of a visual, online, Net Generation of students in a time of fragmented instruction, high-stakes testing and the social and economic tensions?

    We discussed with the high school teachers strategies to address these concerns and shared approaches and tools that they have found effective.

    The Writing Initiative at PCCC works with our own faculty across disciplines to create varied opportunities in writing-to-learn rather than the traditional learning-to-write approach that might apply only to the English classroom.

    Our wide-ranging discussions included these topics:
    • Conversation: What can PCCC gain? What can we share?
    • Teachers as Writers
    • Using writing prompts
    • Technology that works in the classroom
    • Using Word (summary, readability, templates...)
    • Effective Feedback
    • Sharing best lessons
    • About PCCC's writing courses
    • EN004, comp 1 & 2
    • Learning to write and writing to learn
    • Portfolios & reflection
    • Sharing lessons in progress
    • Information literacy vs. research
    • Using rubrics
    • Where does grammar fit into the disciplines?
    • Incorporating critical thinking
    • Second language learners as writers

    This first Connections seminar was held June 28 and 29 in the Writing Center on the Paterson campus. Attendees receive a stipend of $500 for attendance at the two days, and also receive professional development hours for their participation.

    The next Connections seminar for high schol teachers will be held August 23 & 24. Information on Connections is online at http://pccc.libguides.com/connection